Who We Are
Ryffine helps technical communicators improve the way they develop, manage, and present their content.

Why Ryffine
- We have over 20 years in the industry
- We have proven implementations and migrations under our belt
- We work with industry leading organizations
Meet the Ryffiners
Frank Miller
An industry thought-leader whose career has focused on leading enterprise client engagements and building an information development community, Frank has been involved in dozens of successful DITA implementations.
In addition to partnering with many leading names in the information development and content management spaces, Frank enjoys sharing his insights on trends and facilitating the adoption of best practices throughout the community.
Frank Miller
Bill Gearhart
When not escaping to his favorite fly fishing spots in Pennsylvania and Colorado, Bill specializes in minimalism, user-centered design, and information modeling for single-sourcing and migration to DITA.
He draws on over 25 years of experience in developing and managing information and leading innovative global teams.
Bill Gearhart
Teresa Acob
As a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), Teresa leads Ryffine’s PMO. She began her career as a technical writer working on a wide range of products, but then discovered her passion for a well-planned and expertly executed project, and moved into a project management role.
Teresa loves kicking back with a good book, playing Pokemon and Paw Patrol with her two boys, and cuddling with her Labradoodle.
Teresa Acob
Worldwide team

What clients say
What we do
Follow our customized process to create content you and your customers love
Gap analysis & business case development
Project planning & roadmapping
Information design
Content migration & optimization
Authoring training
Tools selection & deployment
Delivery framework development